selamat pagi semua.. mau share tweak bagus nih.. bisa buat alternatif..
Andrenaline Engine v4.4..
By: Zamrud Fisantrino
beberapa fiturnya:
✔ Increase touchscreen sensitivity
✔ Less RAM usage through zipalign.
| World first smart zipaligning
✔ Reduced /dbdata, /data, /
sdcard usage of *.db files and
faster database access. | World
first smart sqlite optimizing
✔ Faster disk access through
remount script (noatime, disabled
barrier etc) | World first smart
✔ Better network throughput from
TCP tweaks and 3G tweaks
✔ Tons of prop tweaks
✔ Overall Better Performance and
Battery Life
✔ Less lags through LMK Tweak
and Various VM Tweaks
✔ Faster SDCARD Read/Write
✔ Bypass website like
✔ CWM Flashable
Cara instal via CWM. taruh file zip td di /sd card, jgn dalam folder.
Sebelum instal, buka mount and unmount dulu..
mount /system, secara manual ya..
klo sudah, back lg, instal zip from sd
card. cari file Andrenaline engine td..
tested on my Max U dan buat main
game HD, lancaaarr..
link download :
NB: hapus tanda * sebelah angka 4. perhatikan bila ada spasi, di delete..
*tweak ini saya dah coba di 3 hh berbeda. dan semua jalan. di hh maxu, max i dan samsul itu sendiri.
have a great day..
Maksudnya hapus tanda * sblah angka 4 klo ada spasi delet ,itu si bagian mana nyayaaa
BalasHapusUninstallernya mana?